Our Ministries
The various ministries at St. Paul's exist to provide opportunities for Christians to grow in their walk with God and with one another. There’s something for everyone at St. Paul's, join us as we work together to advance God’s kingdom.
Whether you would like to volunteer your service, or would just like to come for some fun and relaxation, there are plenty of ways to become involved. Please contact the church office for more information about any of our ministries listed below:
- Attend a Bible Class!
- Join a Board!
- Sing in the Choir!
- Volunteer to Usher!
- Pray for your Pastor!
- Join the Men's Club!
- Become a "Tuesday Guy!"
- Can you cook fish?
- Can you cut grass?
- Join the Ladies Aid!
- Volunteer to be a "Counter"
- Pray for your neighbor!
- Volunteer to be a "Greeter"
- Join the Youth Group!
- Volunteer to be an Acolyte
- Know how to BBQ?
- Join "Abby's Circle"!
- Like sauerkraut?
- Become a Sunday School teacher!
- Help fold Bulletins.
- Join the Bell Choir!
- Tell someone about Jesus!
- Join the Altar Guild!
- Pray for our Men & Women in Uniform!
- Say 'Hello!' to a member you don't know.
- Can you play a musical instrument?
- Become a VBS teacher or volunteer!