Our Pastor John W. Schwartz

Pastor John W. Schwartz

Reverend John W. Schwartz was installed at St. Paul on Sunday, April 3, 2016.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church installed the Rev. John Schwartz as pastor April 3, 2016. Schwartz grew up in the Lutheran church, having been baptized, confirmed and married at St. John Lutheran Church in Taylor. His wife, Susan, grew up in New Boston, with most of her family still living in the area. The Schwartz's have been married for almost 37 years and have three children and eight grandchildren.

Schwartz also has a family connection to St. Paul's. His grandparents, Albert and Lillian Schwartz, both were lifelong members of the church. His father, Walter, and aunt, Elsie, also were longtime members. He came to his career as a pastor later in life. "I'm what is known as a second career pastor." Prior to leaving for seminary, Schwartz spent 24 years working at Header Products in Romulus.

In the Lutheran Church there are different routes to the ministry. Schwartz attended Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind. "I chose to take the Master of Divinity degree route," he said. "There are two years of classroom work, followed by one year of vicarage, basically on the job training, and finally one more year of classroom work." Following his ordination in 2003, he served at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Shelby until 2007 and Peach Lutheran Church and School until his installation at St. Paul's.

Although Schwartz enjoys many things about his work as a pastor, the best part, for him is baptizing children.  "Welcoming them into the Kingdom of God through washing away their sins, marking them with the sign of the cross both across the forehead and over the heart, as one redeemed by Christ the crucified," he said. "It is pure joy to watch the family and the sponsors with their beaming smiles as the waters of Holy Baptism are poured over their child's head."

Schwartz highlights the emphasis on community service at St. Paul's. "They have been serving their community from the day the doors opened 137 years ago," he said. "There are many community events. The sauerkraut and pork dinner in November has been a staple and has been attended by thousands over the years."

"I just want to say thank you to thank God, our Heavenly Father, for placing me at St. Paul's and to the people of St. Paul's for calling me here to be their pastor," he said. "My wife Susan and I are truly blessed to continue our work for the Lord here."